"You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Isaiah 43:10

Monday, December 14, 2009

Love my Job

It can be stressful, draining, emotional, and challenging. We all have days like that at work though, right? But overall, I truly believe I have the best job in the world. It's the best job for me- maybe not the best job for everyone. I get to impact people on every level, everyday:physically, emotionally, spiritually. I was driving home the other night and I couldn't help but think, "What other job could I have done all of that at?" None. Saturday and many other days I get to:

-Educate: Here are the risks involved. This is what is happening inside of your body. It makes me feel good to provide people with factual information so they can make educated decisions regarding their care and life.
-Listen/Ask : How do you feel? Are you scared? Nervous? Depressed? I'm here. I'm sure you have a lot going on inside your head. I want to allow you to share and process your feelings if you want to.
- Touch: I get to put my hand on a shoulder or foot when I'm talking to my patients and they're in bed. Sometimes they need hugs and it's been a long time since they've had one!
- Pray: Prayer is powerful- I think every patient that has come back to see me or told me I impacted their day or stay in the hospital has been someone I have prayed with. Crazy, but that's just God. Sometimes I realize the most important thing I did in my day at work was pray with someone.
- Nursing duties: I can't tell you how many people say, "I can't believe you do this or that!!!" I guess poop, blood, and sputum aren't meant for everyone to work with. But, I can't help but think that that's not why I am a nurse- it's just part of what you deal with as a nurse. Sort of a means to an end. Like- I get to love on this person that God gave me to care for for the next 12 hours (and that may involve some poop, blood, or sputum- But who cares??)-Not me. Guess that's why I'm a nurse :)
- Rejoice: I get to cheer for people when they wheel down the hallway to go home. I have stood by my patients side on a few occasions when the doctors come in and tell them their pathology results-they DON'T have cancer. Oh my gosh, I ball like a baby right with them.

So many reasons to love being a nurse!!! :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quality Time with Vanessa

My love tank is so full!!! I've had great quality time with people I love this week. Helen Monday. Helped a friend get a little more settled into her new house this morning, and hung out with Vanessa all afternoon. I drove away smiling thinking, "I am blessed". Vanessa had the sweet idea of baking our neighbors cookies for Christmas. It was really fun and yummy. Really, all I did was the chocolate chip ones-she did the rest. Another great day for heart to heart connecting. Yay! :) And of course it was fun to get to snuggle baby Ella. Girl day. :)

Random Facts about My Friendship with Vanessa:
- We met Sept 2002 in Anatomy 2A at RCC. Either her or I said "Hi, do you want to be my lab partner?" We sort of knew who the other was through mutual friends prior to running in to each other in class.
- We both were trying to figure out if nursing was what we wanted to do or should do. In the end we did both become nurses. Now we can talk nurse jargon together :)
- I love her laugh. It's distinct, but not annoyingly distinct. Cute distinct. I also love her hugs (Not everyone knows how to hug well!)
- I've known her husband Matt since Junior High
- I think she has a really discerning spirit when it comes to many spiritual matters. One personal example is the fact that she will call me after not connecting for awhile and say, " I've been praying for you. What's going on?" Sounds pretty basic. But every time I'm like, "what the heck?? How did you know?? Or really- how do you always know??" It's a God gift and I'm really thankful for it.
- She's another friend that has walked through some of my greatest joys and greatest sorrows. I'm sure life will bring us many more. It's comforting to know you have friends that will celebrate and mourn with you. It helps me know I can get through whatever comes my way!! :)
- These are words I think describe her: reliable, honest, generous, humble, trustworthy, good listener
- I stood by her side on her wedding day and she stood by mine.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Helen, Beth Moore, and Pumpkin Spice

Really, could this be a better routine? This is my Helen. I look forward to Monday nights for many reasons. I love to share my heart with this friend. This summer we had the same thing on our mind- studying the fruit of the spirit. So we got the workbooks, and the videos. We've processed through a lot over the last 4 months. Just knowing a have a guaranteed place to go each week where I can be fully known is amazing.

Random Facts about my Friendship with Helen:
-We met July 2002. We had just turned 19.
- I soon discovered, "Wow, there is another person in the world who cries as easily as I do."
- Since we met we have argued over who will be the first to hug and kiss Jesus when we get to heaven, which means we argue about who will get to die first and who will have to admit defeat at the others funeral.
- I have numerous nicknames for her. Top 2: Pookie Pie (Don't remember how I gave her this one) and Milky (because of her perfect skin which I wish I had!)
- I've been friends with her husband Chris since we were 9th graders (met at youth group)
- We lived over seas together for 4 months (Republic of Georgia 2003- very fun)
- Her and I starred in a rap video together put together by Justin Kowalski
- I got to watch her give birth to sweet Jordyn
- She has probably walked through more sad or hard times in my life with me than any other friend. (and on the flipside, been by my side through some of my greatest joys)
- She is the first person I called to tell when I found out I was pregnant (In April, and besides Eddie of course)
- She's great and I'm thankful to have a handful of friends I've known for years like her :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pray for Kate

I don't remember how I found their blog originally. I found it in July, when the McRae's journey with Kate and cancer was just beginning. I watched their video asking for prayer. Couldn't stop crying. There are so many things to pray for and to fight for in life. Sometimes it's overwhelming. But there are those things that prick your heart and you can't let go. You can't help but remember to pray. Kate and her family are one of those things for me. I can't help but ache inside when I think of all that her sweet little 5 year old self is having to endure. Her family is awesome. They love Jesus. They trust Jesus. They know He will see them through. But still, it is the most painful and difficult journey a parent could ever face. They need all the support they can get. Check out Kate's site or blog for updates and to know how to pray. http://prayforkate.com/#/home-page/
Warning: She will melt your heart. :)