"You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Isaiah 43:10

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Boy or Girl? One Baby or Two? What's up with all the Dreams?

So two weeks before I found out I was pregnant, I had a dream that I was pregnant. Had the dream around conception time. Pretty cool, right? All I remembered when I woke up was that in the dream I was holding my baby saying, "I can't believe it's a boy." It was funny because ever since we were engaged I have told Eddie that all I can see us with is girls. I've teased him lots about this and told him that I think when we have kids we'll kick things off with twin girls. I just can't figure out why only half of my dream would be true. If the pregnant part was true, why wouldn't the boy part be true too? Never thought I'd cast a boy vote for myself, but I sort of feel like I have to. My mother in law had a dream around the same time. In her dream, I was pregnant also, but with twins. Crazy. It's kind of fun. We'll see about one baby or two on June 9th. As for boy vs girl, we'll be in suspense for awhile. :)

1 comment:

Alyssa Culin said...

I vote that it is ONE BOY!
and so does Jude, so that is 2 votes for boy :)